Gas control cabinets

Gas control cabinets


Gas control cabinets (GCC) are designed to reduce a high and a medium natural gas pressure to the required level according to GOST 5542 and automatically to maintain the pressure within the specified range, to purify gas from mechanical impurities and automatically to stop gas supply during emergency increase and decrease of the outlet pressure. The cabinets can be equipped with gas flow measuring systems (for commercial and process needs) with temperature and pressure correction.

Operation conditions

GCC are designed for operation in areas with moderate (N) and moderately cold (NF) climate as well in areas with cold climate (F).

Depending on climate and upon customer’s approval GCC can be supplied with different types of heating systems:

  • gas heating (automatic gas burner devices);
  • electric heating in explosion-proof housing;
  • water heating (coolant supply from outer source).

GCC is equipped with the following equipment:

Isolation valves, gas filters of different types, gas pressure regulators with two protective stages, gas flow measuring systems, pressure differential indicators, safety relief valves and other equipment that is installed inside a metal cabinet that protect devices from hazardous influence of climatic factors and unauthorized access.


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