Automated Metering Unit (AMU)

Automated Metering Unit (AMU)

Measurement providing by this station meets the requirements for independent wells measurement.

Automated Metering Unit: Application

Automated Metering Stations are designed for periodical direct and indirect measurement of the quantity of raw oil and free casing head gas being produced from oil and gas wells and further hard- and software processing of the results in order to collect, archive and transfer them to the telemetry system through communication channels to the specified users.



Depending on a model AMU can be equipped by one to two devices for liquid and gas flow metering:

  •  MICRO MOTION mass flow meters, series F, CMF, T, R DN 15mm – 150mm;
  • PROMASS mass flow meters DN 8mm – 250mm;
  • ROTAMASS mass flow meters, series RCCS, RCCT, RCCF;
  • SFC mass flow meters;
  • MASSFLO mass flowmeters.

It is allowed to use other models of mass flow meters that must comply with the following conditions:

  1. Certificate of conformity for measuring equipment type.
  2. Conformity of the declared measurement range.
  3. Conformity of allowable relative measurement error of parameters.
In the unit switching between wells can be carried out by several ways:
  1. Three-way ball valves with electric actuators;
  2. Multi-stream switching manifold (MSM).

Gas and liquid separation (oil + water) received from wells is provided by oil and gas separators. The number of wells that can be connected to this unit is from 1 to 14 pcs.



Nominal value of mass average daily flow rate of raw oil depending on a model, ton per day from 1 to 300
Nominal value of average daily volume gas flow, m 3/day (carried out to a normal conditions) to 2 500 000
Operating pressure, MPa to 16
Number of connecting wells, pc. from 1 to 14
Diameter of connected pipelines, mm, not less 50

Range of Allowable Metering Relative Error according to GOST 8.615-2005

- weight of raw oil, % ± 2,5
- volume of free oil-well gas, % ±5
- weight of raw oil without water, and with water in the following volume percent, %, to 70%, from 70 to 95%, more than 95% ±6 ±15V in accordance with the certified procedure of measurement

Electric Circuit Power Supply

- current alternating
- voltage, В 380/220
- allowable voltage deviation, % from -15 to +10
- alternating current frequency, Hz 50+1
- power consumption, kW, not more 10

Environmental Conditions

- ambient temperature, ˚С from 5 to 90
- kinematic viscosity at 20˚С, m2/s2 from 1*10 -6 to120*10 -6
- concentration of sulphur compounds in mas fraction, %, not more 3
- hydrogen sulfide volume content, %, not more 2
- water content in liquid, volume ratio, % from 0 to 100
- mechanical impurities content, gr/L, not more 5
- class of an explosion-hazard area of process compartment В-1А
- class of an explosion-hazard area of automatic control unit non-explosive



Process compartment:

length mm

width, mm

height, mm

weight, kg


from 3,135 to 6,170

3 000

3 830

from 3,500 to 7,200

Automatic control unit: length, mm * width, mm * height, mm * weight, kg 2,000*2,850*2,735*1,160



We can send you a quotation only after receiving a filled-in questionnaire and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

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